Ancient Places



A4: Great Zimbabwe is not the easiest place to get to but well worth the effort. It's a remarkable site worthy of many hours of your time. #TRLT

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A4: The remote ancient mountain village of #Lukomir in #Bosnia & #Herzegovina is inaccessible for parts of the year due to snowfall, unless you happen to own a pair of skis! https://t.co/iEZrtQD5Zl #TRLT

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A4: Climbing to the top of Sri Lanka's ancient Sigiriya was physically difficult for me. My fibromyalgia pain and fatigue made it a super strenuous climb, but I felt such a sense of accomplishment when I made it to the top! @GoGreenGatsby #TRLT

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A4. 2/2 Another difficult ancient place for me to get to (by choice) was #MachuPicchu after 3 days on the high altitude #IncaTrail. So very much worth it at every level - #landscape #culture #adventure.

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @MyAdventureBckt @Cruisewriter A2 Mount Saint Mary's was founded in 1805, near Emmitsburg, Maryland The one-story, two room log cabin was the first structure built. I was awed by the history and sense of peace maintained. #TRLT

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replying to @foodguruchannel @foodguruchannel Also# India but in the #Himalayas, a stupa placed for travelers along the silk road. #TRLT


A4. I didn’t know about the abandoned Swahili town of Manda before I got to Lamu, which itself it remote. I had to sail by dhow from where I was staying #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @JR_justJR @FunInFairfax #trlt #a3 The Lake District is full of ancient woodlands, but it's perhaps the people and the stories that make them famous.

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A4: I really had a horrible time hiking the Inca Trail. I’d never hiked and was severely out of shape. Many funny stories though😅 Glad I survived because Machu Picchu was more than I could have expected! #trlt

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A4: The brilliant rock art at #LasGeel in #Somaliland is estimated to be 5,000 years old, but its existence to the outside world was only revealed in 2002! Well worth a trip to one of world's least-charted travel destinations. https://t.co/PTCwcJ8zb5 #TRLT

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A4: The more I learn about Coliseum, the more unappealing it becomes. Of course it is an icon and still worth seeing. Better not to think about all the death and rapes that happened 2000 yrs ago. Now I avoid visiting it because of the crowds, too. #TRLT

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A4: Hiking the ancient #Inca trail up #Huaynapicchu was the scariest thing in my life. Don't do this unless you have a will in place. Yes, you get great views of #Macchupicchu, but there are also no railings. See where I have my signature? Sheer drop off, thousands of feet! #TRLT

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replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @GoGreenGatsby The view was spectacular! Not sure I'd do it again, though. #trlt


Learn more about the world's ancient sites in our guides – they're always packed with plenty of historical detail! #TRLT https://t.co/YDhCeBZfhR

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A4: #EasterIsland, home to these iconic ancient stone figures, is one of the remotest inhabited places on earth. https://t.co/udtsLJthwW #TRLT

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A5. I would have to say Rome, Italy, is the most ancient place I have ever visited. #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @JR_justJR @FunInFairfax A3 a long-standing theory states that the awe inspiring #GrandCanyon was formed
no more than 6 million years ago, while other theories state that some portions of the canyon were carved out to almost modern depths as much as 70 million years ago.

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A4: A visit to #Yazd and its Zoroastrian 'towers of silence' is worth building into an itinerary in #Iran, despite its remoteness. https://t.co/2ir4CQXi3s #TRLT


A5: Managing Editor Claire visited Ancient Olympia in the #Peloponnese on a stiflingly hot day but still found the site atmospheric and magical. It was easy to imagine the cheering crowds lining the stadium. https://t.co/z1dIpOiWs7 #TRLT


A4: The brilliant rock art at #LasGeel in #Somaliland is estimated to be 5,000 years old, but its existence to the outside world was only revealed in 2002! Well worth a trip to one of world's least-charted travel destinations.https://t.co/eRWuSPfaMj #TRLT https://t.co/vRVbblbjqd