Ancient Places


Q1: What does "ancient" mean to you? How old does a building or place have to be before it is considered important enough to be “protected”. Share a photo of your favourite Ancient Place! via @carornocar #TRLT
Q2: What Ancient Place have you visited because of its culture – a place that still clings to their old way of life and resists modernization? Share a photo! @MyAdventureBckt @cruisewriter
Q3: Not all Ancient Places are made by people. Some are natural, epic, and timeless. Share a photo of a natural Ancient Place! via @JR_justJR @FuninFairfax #TRLT
Q4: What Ancient Place was the most difficult for you to visit? Was it worth it and what made it so? Share a photo! via @GoGreenGatsby
Q5: Share a photo and tip for the most Ancient Place you have traveled. via @FuninFairfax #TRLT