New Experiences


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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas A5. I would have to say San Francisco. Visited three times. First visit was very touristy. By our final visit we were exploring the neighbourhoods on foot and feeling quite at home! I love that city! #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas A5: Exploring #Taiwan again as an adult has been really great for me to reconnect with my roots. Important to remember where we come from. #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas A5 seeing @EvergladesNPS @ParadiseCoast on my own instead of cooped up in my grandparent's house (yes, they lived in the Everglades!) was enlightening and transformational. #travel #TRLT


A4 In the past few years I've done my first zip line and my first rock wall, which was just this winter on a cruise ship (sorry, there's only video of me, but this was the rock wall). Enjoyed both way more than I expected #TRLT

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A5: A familiar place that I've returned to and seen with new eyes, is Montreal, with wonderful new experiences on every return visit. From amazing streetart, festivals and unique opportunities to explore new neighbourhoods, @Montreal always charms.
via @heidisiefkas


#TRLT Did you taste the Guinea Pig in #Peru? It is most often roasted whole and served whole. https://t.co/7rza6ndO64

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @HeidiSiefkas A5 Returning to Italy with our kids helped me see it with fresh eyes. Caught our daughter in this sunlit moment in Rome. #travel #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas A5. Going to St Paul’s Cathedral a few weeks ago. I work nearby and have walked past it soo many times and never been inside (shocking for a Londoner). It was so STUNNING especially the view of the city from the top! #TRLT #london


#TRLT @RTWBarefoot @TheTravelCamel Not sure how i could misjudge the time so much but here my A1: Nicaragua 😍 such an incredible country

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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @HeidiSiefkas A5) I've been visiting Yosemite National Park annually in the Spring for roughly 30 years, when the snowfall in the Winter is above normal I get to see waterfalls that are usually not there. #TRLT

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 A1: I'd have to say Namibia. I'd not seen anything like that landscape before; well actually experienced it. #TRLT #WhereisKerwin @WildDogSafaris Romania is a close second @jaywaytravel #Romania #Namibia

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @HeidiSiefkas A5 / Returned to Lisbon recently with a much greater appreciation of it's history - made it much more interesting. #TRLT

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replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @ExploreWildBlog @LindaPeters64 #TRLT I loved my time in Benin.

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @AdventurePretty A4: Shark cage diving. I wanted to, but I'm also not a great swimmer and am uncomfortable with water over my head PLUS I couldn't wear my glasses...it was terrifying. But once I was in, it was super, super cool. #TRLT


A5: We were in Toronto back in early March assisting with the opening of our new Canadian office. It was pretty grey and cold, but the city itself was lovely. We are returning for a week in June and we are very excited to see it again in nicer weather! #TRLT

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A5 I travel from Florida to Cuba almost twice a month. Each and every time I travel to Cuba I see it with new eyes. It depends on who I’m traveling with, the people I meet, or what is going on in my own head. @HeidiSiefkas #trlt #traveltuesday #ttot

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas Returning to the summit of Mlanda in Malawi in both dry and wet seasons is a totally different experience! #TRLT #Malawi #hiking @TheRealBerghaus @BradtGuides @TrailMagazine @NatGeoTravel


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas A5: That's London. Each time I go, there's is something or someplace new to see. #WhereisKerwin #TRLT #London I guess I'm in love with the city :-). This is the Albert Bridge.


replying to @jasontravelblog @LindaPeters64 A5: following on from my earlier post but it's the obvious choice. Going back to Köln with some level of fluency was mind-blowing for me. You appreciate things so much more and I've fallen in love with this city. One I didn't expect to return to. #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @JLipowski @RTWBarefoot @Touchse @LindaPeters64 @pip_says Thanks for a fun chat #TRLT crew! See you next week for more #travel inspiration.