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A2: I am intrigued by lampredotto in Florence. It's the 4th stomach of the cow, which is what intrigues me...were the first three not good enough? #TRLT

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#trlt Surprising food is hard because I've not tried anything that strange. I liked escargot, sushi, lobster. Maybe pork shank? I'd never heard of it.

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replying to @Ilanaontheroad @Ilanaontheroad @TheTravelCamel So true! Food and music are wonderful ways to connect. Probably why i love Irish pubs so much. @travel #trlt


A2: Black pudding! What is amazing is how tasty it can be (like here at the Mash Tun in Aberlour Scotland or how mealy it can be. #TRLT

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A2: One of the most surprising fruits I have experienced is the passion fruit in #CostaRica! It's sweet, tart, and so juicy! I've since tasted them in other places, but I like the Costa Rican variety best so far. #TRLT

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A2: one of the most surprising foods that I discovered on
The Road Less Traveled, was Zuckerrűbensirup, made from beet roots. Q via @travelhistory1


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @FunInFairfax We are all basically the same; we just look different and speak differently sometimes :-). Same ideals, same goals and love to share things. #TRLT Take time to talk and listen to others when you travel. We each have a story to tell. #WhereisKerwin @visitwales


replying to @Sputniktechno @Sputniktechno @LindaPeters64 @FunInFairfax #TRLT Take a look at this tip shared by @IranbyBit on where to travel in #Iran based on your personality. https://t.co/US8TSQx0VG

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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @travelhistory1 A2 Couldn't think of a single food, but I've discovered I love visiting markets when I #travel. Great way to experience another country. pic: market stall in Budapest. #TRLT

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A1 People are always friendly, wherever you go. Make time to say hello, share a pot of tea, and find out a little about their lives - you’ll have more in common than you think! #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @JLipowski @Touchse @LindaPeters64 @pip_says Welcome All!. I'm in cloudy just rained and hot Houston. Life is good :-). #TRLT #WhereisKerwin #VisitHouston @VisitHouston


A2: Guinea Pig in Peru and cold baby octopus with quail eggs in their head and raw baby squid in Japan, lol #trlt

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @travelhistory1 A2: Tigris carp, called #Masgoof. Really, never had a more delicious fish in my entire life (and I live in #Italy!!!). And finding something like this in #Iraq, a supposedly desertic country was a gigantic surprise to me! #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @JLipowski @Touchse @LindaPeters64 @pip_says #trlt Joining this evening from Bradford.

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @travelhistory1 A2: Has to be these scorpions in Beijing! #TRLT

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A2 There’s something irresistible about fresh produce, especially if you are wandering around a market tasting samples as you go. This bazaar is in Shakhrisabz in Uzbekistan #TRLT

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A2 Hi all, joining #TRLT chat late. Apart from the scorpions in China, my most surprising food was the roast guinea pigs, or cuy, in Ecuador

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replying to @Ilanaontheroad @Ilanaontheroad +1 for spices. They're so beautiful too. :) #travel #TRLT

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A2. I've been surprised by a lot of different fruits around the world, especially in jungle regions. Most I don't even know the names of them! Lots of new ones in Panama. Jack fruit, in Uganda: who knew fruit could be as sticky as glue! #trlt

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A1 Everyone expects the highlight of Uzbekistan to be the @unesco cities, but the landscapes are just as impressive, and equally deserving of your time #trlt