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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski A3. I’m obsessed with Switzerland just now. I love how much of a melting pot it is. Each canton has its own identity, even its own language, but they’re still undeniably Swiss. #TRLT

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A4. Never have I related to a culture more than that of the Santiago pilgrim! #CaminodeSantiago with @WalkinSpain . @heidisiefkas #TRLT

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replying to @NewYorkHabitat @NewYorkHabitat @TheTravelCamel Kyoto for Geisha stalking with @wheresshellyii πŸ˜‚ And Osaka for their neon colorful signs and madness. #trlt

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A4. I felt especially connected to the Polynesian culture on my trip with @WindstarCruises. I think it had something to do with water, wine, and palm trees. #TRLT

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A4 The Pacific North West culture, due to the common appreciation there of nature and using every opportunity to spend time in it. I also feel connected to the Italian culture because of a shared love of good food @heidisiefkas #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas I've always been enamored with #Paris! Or maybe I just like coffee, bread, and French movies πŸ˜‚! #TRLT


replying to @HMatthews67 @HMatthews67 @HeidiSiefkas @JLipowski @T_W_O Yeah such a pretty island with famished deer who will eat anything. πŸ˜‚ #trlt

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replying to @HeidiSiefkas @HeidiSiefkas A4) A number of times I have since much of my traveling abroad involves trying to connect with family history. Like last year while in Adelaide Australia when I found out that there's a good chance that my Great Grandfather was born in the area. #TRLT

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A4 A culture that I feel an affinity for is #CostaRica; I love the friendly, proud people, the incredible wildlife, warm beaches, varied landscapes and decadent chocolate. #puravida
Q via @HeidiSiefkas

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A4- I've always had an affinity with Caribbean countries, particularly #Jamaica. I think because we have common a common lineage #trlt #travelingsession

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas A4 Difficult question to answer but probably Indonesia because I lived there for 10 years. #TRLT #Indonesia

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @HeidiSiefkas A4 a culture I feel affinity to is the #USGulfCoast. Luscious sugar sand (and my secret place for shells in @ParadiseCoast), epic sunsets (here in @SeeCoastalMS), and funky, creative, artsy attitudes (in @thefloridakeys and @VisitBradenton). My peeps! #travel #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @HeidiSiefkas A4 Tough to choose. I feel connected to most of south east Asia whether Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia. The culture, food, and landscapes are all so amazing. #trlt


A3: @ Grand Portage National Monument to learn about #culture and #history of #Ojibwe people! #TRLT @npsgrpo @NatlParkService #Minnesota


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel A3: Guatemala circa 1980 #trlt


replying to @Pinkzenjoy @Pinkzenjoy @TheTravelCamel @wheresshellyii 😱 Looks incredible, I gotta book my trip ASAP! #TRLT

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A5. During my last visit to Norway with @VisitnorwayUSA , I interviewed a number of Norwegians about their love of the great outdoors aka "friluftsliv" (free-loofts-leave), a state of mind, an ethos, a credo that's ingrained in the fabric of their psyche. #TRLT

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replying to @CharlesMcCool @CharlesMcCool @CarnivalCruise @FunInFairfax I also had a Frankfurter in Frankfurt, Key Lime Pie in Key West, a Belgian Waffle in Belgium, Hungarian Goulash in Hungary, French Onion Soup in France, Chicken Kiev in Kiev, and Pizza in Italy! #TRLT #travel


A5 Many, including when I tried to participate in Mongolian throat singing when these two travelling musicians arrived at our yurt. They received my attempts with kindness, as well as much laughter #TRLT