Celebrations & Festivities


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Q5: What festivals are on your wish list and why? via @CharlesMcCool #TRLT

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A5 Definitely Venice for Mardi Gras! I would love to go completely in costume. Maybe Rio Carnivale too! #TRLT @JLipowski @CharlesMcCool


#TRLT A5: rather odd one this. I want to go to the Mardi Gras Celebration, but in Guinea-Bissau. I hear it's one of the largest in Africa, but also it gives me an excuse to visit Guinea-Bissau.

It *may* be happening in 2021 as I have a friend who wants to visit Guinea with me!

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool A5) I don't have any right now but if I did they'd have a be rather low key and truly have to be about local history & culture instead of something done for strictly commercialism. #TRLT


RT @t_jh2009: @TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool A5) I don't have any right now but if I did they'd have a be rather low key and truly have to…


A5 #trlt I don’t have a good answer for this. Typically, it’s happening when I get there such as Turkey’s National Day or Vietnam’s DaNang Fireworks competition, two things I stumbled into but got to experience.