Aromas & Tastes


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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @prachimadri A1 : All those spices I had never tasted before.
Lewinsky market, Tel Aviv. #TRLT

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A1: my favourite aroma is Henna flowers - 1st smelled at Karnak #TRLT - it was truly heavenly




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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @prachimadri A1) My last morning in Paris I woke up early & I walked across the street from the hotel looking to buy a cup of coffee and I just remember the smell of fresh bread in the air, it was a pleasant way to start the day. #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @prachimadri Definitely the smell of authentic gyro when we were in Greece & kebabs in Istanbul! Durumzade is restaurant we made sure to locate after seeing it in Anthony Bourdain’s show. The aroma there was so good! #TRLT

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A1- There's nothing like the aroma of the ocean early in the morning
#trlt #travelingsession

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @prachimadri The smell of hot, sweet, Malawian coffee served after a morning’s game drive. #TRLT

#coffee #Malawi #safari @TourismMalawi @BradtGuides @SatemwaTea

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A1: A favourite aroma that I have discovered on The Road Less travelled is California's delightfully fragrant Angel trumpet vines, they have a sweet vanilla cookie smell.
#photo: San Francisco, California
Q: via @prachimadri

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replying to @t_jh2009 @t_jh2009 @JLipowski @prachimadri I love the aroma of anything baking in the oven whether bread or cakes. 😀 #trlt

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 @JLipowski @RTWBarefoot @pip_says You betcha! I've got downloaded movies and series for the flights. Then, I'll have relaxing evenings with the rest of the flix (after unpacking of course). #TRLT #traveltuesday

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @prachimadri A1 Nothing beats the smell of fresh coffee from a local roaster. #trlt

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A2 At the Mingsha sand dune in Dunhuang, China, we had a refreshing drink based on dried apricot. A couple of years later, piranha caught from the Orinoco in Venezuela was surprisingly edible! @vacation_couple #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @slioy @RTWBarefoot @prachimadri Agree. It transported me there. Reminded me of this yak cheese called chhurpi we would chew on for days in schooldays. 😂 #trlt

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A2 Most surprising taste. #Osaka #Japan - nicknamed Japan's kitchen via @vacation_couple #TRLT #traveltuesday #adventure

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @prachimadri A1. #Coffee #outdoors #sea smells I love #TRLT @prachimadri @LindaPeters64 @RTWBarefoot


A2: My first day when I landed in Mexico, I was so hungry I found a street food place...turned out I loved it so much I went back every day. The food was so good and cost me just over $2 every sitting. I surprised myself in the amount of times I went back #TRLT


I discovered chillie flavoured chocolate in Mexico a few years ago - what an amazing combination - especially if you serve with ice cream #trlt A2

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A2 Amazed at how much better seafood was cooked fresh from the sea - along the Mediterranean coast we ate fresh seafood at every chance. Home in Toronto, almost always get it flash frozen. #TRLT @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 @JLipowski @pip_says @Touchse @vacation_couple

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A2. Saffron Halva (sweet) in Azerbaijan. #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @prachimadri The smell of the ocean while passing by #TRLT

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A2- Until I visited #Warsaw, I had never heard of #pierogies. I felt like my whole life was a lie
#trlt #travelingsession