Cultural Attractions



replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides Thanks, Shane and other hosts for an interesting and eye-opening #TRLT ! Here are some favorites, clockwise from top left: Angkor Wat, Cambodia; rock church, Ethiopia; Temple of the Buddha's Tooth, Sri Lanka; Shrine of Hazrat Ali, Afghanistan

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A4: We're not great #F1 fans but we visited Silverstone for the 35th birthday of the Mini - not just a cultural attraction but an icon. The roads there were stuffed with fellow Mini drivers. And some of the cars looked. extraordinary. @BradtGuides #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A2: Not really. In my early travels, a
I went to Petra with a friend from work. I actually did not know about Petra at the time, I just wanted to visit my friend who was in Jordan for work. Petra was a suggestion from my colleague ;) #TRLT #WhereisKerwin

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A3 Hm, tough question. There are so many places events worth a repeat visit. Zeitz Mocaa, Cape Town. Atelier des Lumières, Paris. National Socialist Documentation Centre, Munich. Queen Sofia Arts Center, Madrid. The list is endless. #TRLT

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replying to @ConciergeQ @ConciergeQ @metmuseum It was one of the last places I visited before this all started. I was blown away by it. #TRLT

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A4: Emilia-Romagna’s Museo della Merda, which – you guessed it – celebrates all things poo related, has an astonishing number of faecal-inspired exhibitions! Any takers? #TRLT


A4 #TRLT Water Puppetry in Hanoi, Vietnam. I couldn’t tell you what the story was, but it was interesting to watch.


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A1: Twyfelfontein in Namibia. Amazing rock paintings and engravings. For me it was a spiritual place. #TRLT

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A1: I've seen so many memorable cultural attractions--hard to pick just one. Three of my favorites: St. Basil's Cathedral, Taj Mahal, and the Alhambra #TRLT

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London Lumiere festival is an unusual event worth spending time at #trlt A4


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A4 It's pretty popular if you're in Prague but if you're not, the Sedlec Ossuary (aka Bone Church) in nearby Kutna Hora is definitely not an attraction you see every day! #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A4: The Spanish Riding School in Vienna was a very bizarre #travel experience. I just didn't get it. On the one hand, they promote the horses for showcasing all covered under the premise "tradition", but then it is pure cruelty to the horses. It makes zero sense. #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A4: This estate, Quinta das Lagrimas, in Coimbra, Portugal is linked to a popular 14th century legend of forbidden love and murder. No wonder the word “tears” (lagrimas) is in the name. #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A4: Seattle's gum wall is pretty unusual.

They'd scraped most of it off on my first visit so I had to return to see it in all its glory a few months later.

Mannekin Pis also springs to mind and his frequently changing outfits in Brussels.

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A4: Tajikistan’s Watermelon Teahouse has to be up there! What food-shaped attractions have you spotted on your travels? #TRLT

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A4 The roaming puppet theatre in @unesco Khiva is one of the more unusual cultural attractions I've visited on #TRLT. A puppet might well pounce on you in the street, complimenting your fashion sense, proposing marriage, or stealing your lunch!

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A4 : The church in San Juan Chamula, Mexico.
And the very strange atmosphere inside (no picture allowed).
If you're interested in explanations I added a screenshot. #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A4. Not unusual but definitely one of the most unique cultural attentions I’ve been to. The memorial park in Khao Lak which was devastated in the Asian tsunami. The patrol boat was out at sea and ended up in the middle of town where it’s been left as part of the park. #TRLT