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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @WorldwideXplore A2 I always used cameraphones, but whatever the best cameraphone was at that time, so was happy enough.

Apart from Zoom, its something they are never good at. So after a disasterious bird watching trip, bought a proper camera with 50x hardware zoom.


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A4. Try seeking out a different perspective.

@SimonUrwinPhoto says -
'Think about getting closer, going low or heading up high; find an alternative point of view that makes each image you take more intriguing, impactful or beautiful. #TRLT


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A4 To take great photos, allow plenty of time to get the composition & lighting just right. Sometimes that means waiting a while for the sun to come out! #TRLT

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A4: Don't be afraid to play with the angles. Also, see the light, as that's the difference between a great and an average photo. #TRLT

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A4. @J_BanksPhoto believes that having a focal point can really bring an image to life.

'Including relatable aspects within the landscape helps entice viewers and make the scene appear more realistic.' #TRLT


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A4: I can't stress this enough: If you don't know how to use the manual modes on your camera, learn. It makes a huge difference. And keep practicing! #TRLT

#Sunset in Costa Rica.

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @BradtGuides A3: @SobAlert spends much time with fauna and flora which is disappearing at an alarming rate.

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A4: I suppose if I had to give one tip for taking eye-catching images, it's be prepared to miss out on some of the comforts of travel. The best light in Venice is often when everyone has sat down for an Aperol Spritz or a lovely dinner!  @LindaPeters64 #TRLT

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A4: Getting out for sunrise is the key for me. You beat the crowds and get to watch the place come to life before your eyes #TRLT


replying to @HeidiSiefkas @HeidiSiefkas @BradtGuides A3 Home is good, especially up the North Coast.


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A4. Street photographer @pollyrusyn knows that experimentation is all part of the process.

'Start by looking for interesting light, geometric shapes or colourful backgrounds. Figure out the best angle and point of view by trying out different ones.' #TRLT

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replying to @Travel_Session A4- I've gotten soaked, lost equipment, and even a tumble or 2, but I still live by this advice
#TRLT #travelingsession #travelphotography

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @WorldwideXplore A2: I adore dusk! It's a challenge to capture it as magic as I can see it #TRLT


A4 Try and get to places in the early hours before the crowds come in and catch the soft light of the sun whenever you can before sunset or soon after sunrise - sunset in #belgrade #serbia from my phone of course #TRLT


A4 Practice and patience, and try to find something s bit different


A4. Capturing colour correctly is essential in travel photography and @jo_davey understands why - 'For me, colours and palettes have a really strong character and feel – much like a country – and the way we experience both are delightfully unique.' #TRLT


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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A4. I try to do the rule of thirds, I try to find a focal point, and I try for it to be what I thought was nice or unique about that day (seasonal etc). #trlt 🌻

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Photographing wildlife is my preferred subject to photograph. Most of the time its challenging but shots like this leopard in #Tanzania make it worthwhile #TRLT A1

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 A4. I just go by my gut. Also take a lot of shots, and the best ones stand out. #trlt