Wonderful Wildlife



With many thinking about road trips for this fall/winter and into 2022, I wanted to share my route and story from #route66: https://t.co/0BvbjL23lE #travel #adventure #roadtrip #vanlife #traveltuesday #trlt #ttot

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A4: My closest wildlife encounter - having a gorilla brush past my legs in Rwanda, before it grabbed the hiker in front of me and thrust him aside like a rag doll. #TRLT

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A4 Drove for several days in the US midwest & saw no buffalo (other than statues). In Yellowstone Park, we were surprised when a buffalo came far too close. And then we saw herds in the fields. #TRLT @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 @JLipowski @heidiSiefkas @pip_says @Touchse

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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @LindaPeters64 A1: #Scuba diving trip in the south pass of #Fakarava, #FrenchPolynesia. That's where @NatGeo goes to shoot documentaries about sharks. #TRLT #travel

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A4: I've had a lot of cool encounters with wildlife in #Alaska as well as #Maui - Here are some keepers via @travelatwill #TRLT #traveltuesday

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @TravelAtWill A4: This toucan at Iguazu Falls. I was riding in a truck down to the boating area, and someone pointed out the bird way up in the trees. I had about half a second to turn on and aim my camera, and I got this shot just in time. #TRLT

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @JLipowski @TheTravelCamel @RTWBarefoot @Touchse @pip_says @HeidiSiefkas I've seen Javelinas around my timeshare in Sedona. #TRLT

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replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @TravelAtWill A4 I'm not sure but I would stress it's important not to get too close to wildlife. #TRLT This is a Komodo Dragon on Komodo Island.


A3. #trlt definite bucket loads of patience and a tripod! @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64

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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @LindaPeters64 A3: Zoom lens, firm hand and loooooots of patience. Lion in #Kalahari, #SouthAfrica. Pic isn't the best quality but it's from 2006, prehistory of digital photography. #TRLT #travel

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A4 We were amazed when we got really close to the pink dolphins in the Amazon River. Such an interesting experience. #TRLT @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 @JLipowski @heidiSiefkas @pip_says @Touchse

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replying to @Polymathically @TheTravelCamel @TravelAtWill A4: Alternatively, getting to see bald eagles at their nesting sites in the Taiya Inlet near Skagway, Alaska. #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 Don’t miss the small things #TRLT #Malawi #PicassoBug

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4. Once I was so focused on photographing the cubs walking down the road, leaning out the window of the truck just a tad w/ camera, I lost track of the mom & suddenly felt something brush my hand; it was mom's head, she walked right under me! just about peed my pants #TRLT

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The waters around the South Pacific have given me some of my best wildlife encounters #TRLT A4

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A4: One of the best encounters with wildlife that I have had?
Coming across wild horses in B.C's Chilcoton country.
Q via @TravelAtWill

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A4: we had a lion walk RIGHT by my window in Ngorogoro crater. Oh and that same lion peed on the truck in front of us 🤪#TRLT

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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @TravelAtWill A4: One usually comes unsuspectingly upon animals while hiking in the bush.


#trlt A4: that said. This was close. :D

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A4 When we visited South America and the Faulkland Islands we so so many penguins right up close. It certainly has pushed Antartica higher on our travel wish list to see more! #TRLT @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 @JLipowski @heidiSiefkas @pip_says @Touchse