Wonderful Wildlife


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5. Of course it depends on what animal you've always wanted to see. My wish list was penguins in Antarctica. They are so hilarious and anthropomorphic in their actions, I'd have to recommend taking a cruise to see them to anyone! We also kayaked and saw them in the water. #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @TravelAtWill @LindaPeters64 A5: A Namibian Safari is definitely a good one to do. Etosha National Park #TRLT @etoshanamibia

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A5 It is so hard to pick just one .... we even had to write a post about all the great animal encounters for your bucket list! https://t.co/1g9CycKXsT #TRLT @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 @JLipowski @heidiSiefkas @pip_says @Touchse

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replying to @Travel_Session A4- I ended up having a chat with this dude in the πŸ‡§πŸ‡Έ#Bahamas. Rum may have been involved.
#TRLT #TravelingSession


Do you take vitamins, go to the gym, and apply sunscreen?
Most likely you do 1, 2, or all 3.

However, are you adding this ingredient to your life as well?

https://t.co/waziV2QYok #traveltuesday
#trlt #adventure #ttot #tedxtalks #inspiration #adventuretravel #motivation

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A5: A local wildlife experience that I would recommend for a travel wish list would be a Hawk Walk, with Raptors Ridge Birds of Prey @raptorsridge Walk through a Native West Coast Rain Forest with a fern laden floor and meandering creek, with a beautiful Raptor on your arm.

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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @TravelAtWill @LindaPeters64 A5: #SouthernAfrica is highly recommended as it still has much unspoiled fauna and flora.

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replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @TravelAtWill @LindaPeters64 A5. I recommend the west coast if you want to see whales and various sea life! #TRLT

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @TravelAtWill @LindaPeters64 A5: Nothing can beat #gorilla tracking in central #Africa in my books. #TRLT

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A5 I'd suggest the #SanDiegoWildAnimalPark, when given the choice of there or the zoo, we figured it would be a more authentic experience. I'm sure it wasn't as amazing as anything in #Africa but we did enjoy seeing all the animals roaming around & not in tiny enclosures! #TRLT

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replying to @HeidiSiefkas @HeidiSiefkas @TravelAtWill @LindaPeters64 A5 I would recommend the mountain Gorillas in Rwanda, Uganda or the DRC. #TRLT

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replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @TravelAtWill A5) Whale watching is a good one though I would recommend going on a photography safari/excursion where the chance of getting seasick are pretty slim. #TRLT

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Antarctica #TRLT A5

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @Sputniktechno @aok_NW Forgot to add this photo from Samburu in Kenya. #TRLT


A5. Yellowstone and Grand Teton! Just look at all the Bison behind the kid! #TRLT

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replying to @JLipowski @JLipowski @TravelAtWill @LindaPeters64 A5. Honestly, the more mundane the better for me. A kookaburra in Australia, a blue jay in North America or a goldfinch in Europe. I think it’s important that we learn to appreciate all wildlife, wherever we find it. #TRLT


replying to @Travel_Session A5- I can say that I would definitely go snorkeling around the reefs near πŸ‡―πŸ‡²#Negril again
#TRLT #TravelingSession

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replying to @ramblRramblR @ramblRramblR @SobAlert @JLipowski @TravelAtWill @LindaPeters64 It's fantastic - here is a herd crossing the Ewaso river in Samburu in Kenya. #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @JLipowski @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 @Touchse @pip_says @HeidiSiefkas @findinganeish Thanks to all of you for co-hosting today's #TRLT, Shemp & I will see you again next week.