Famous Places


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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A2. Probably Niagara Falls (from the Canadian side). #TRLT

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A3 "Sweet to ride forth at evening from the wells,
When shadows pass gigantic on the sand,
And softly through the silence beat the bells
Along the Golden Road to Samarkand." #trlt

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A3: The movie 'The Last Emperor' inspired me to visit The Forbidden City in Beijing, China. A place of intrigue for centuries. #TRLT


A3: The Eastern side of Cuba was because of its remoteness as well as history. Santiago, Baracoa and the nature are worth the long flight and/or drive; via @postcardsplaces #TRLT #traveltuesday #cubatravel

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A1: My family is from #Egypt, a nation famous for its historical artifacts and all around beauty. So of course once I saved up, it was my first fully funded international trip. I headed bacn again after the #Jan25 protests in 2011.

#TRLT #MsHalaTravels #FamousPlaces https://t.co/Rl0K7XdlKt

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replying to @sl2016_sl @sl2016_sl @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 I was so wow’d by Niagara Falls! #trlt

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A2. Dudhsagar waterfall. It's amazing and my trip, memorable. I went there with my college gang, trek through the jungle then up to the falls, walking the trail parallel to the tracks & finally traveled back to base in the back of the goods train: https://t.co/QbYoIhmcZz

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A3: I don't think you need a reason to visit Machu Picchu. Before my trip to Peru I read quite a bit about shamans and the Inca culture, so it was a given I would go, when I stumbled upon a cheap flight to Peru. I thought it was a sign #TRLT


replying to @HeidiSiefkas @HeidiSiefkas @LindaPeters64 A2: The Pangong Tso lake in Ladakh, India - the sounds of nature, the serenity and the surroundings were all breathtaking #TRLT https://t.co/N9kNka81NP


A2 #TRLT most famous natural place -- Glencoe, for one -- works for historical place, too -- and Banff, esp in winter, for another (📸 is Banff)

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replying to @Travel_Session A2- 🇺🇸#NiagaraFalls is probably the most famous natural place I've visited
#TRLT #travelingsession

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So many great stops in Spain .... https://t.co/NNlBPdhIIV ... were part of the planning for our European adventure. #TTOT #TRLT @spain @tourismofspain

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replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A1. Oh my, sooooo many answers to this question. I love history do alot of places have compelled me to visit. But my first love was and always be Egypt. Many places inspired me to visit. #TRLT

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A1: I’ve Always Been Drawn to #Travel to See Historical Sights.👍
And a Place that Just Oozes #History is #IndependenceHall in #Philadelphia, #Pennsylvania.
Walking In the Same Spot that Franklin, Washington and Other Founders Worked - Now That’s an Awesome #Memory!😀


A3. Was inspired to visit Forbidden City in Beijing b/c of my dad's visit there when China was still largely closed to foreigners. I was intrigued. Used my dad's guidebook after he passed away to visit in 2005. Seeing his notes & handwriting in the book was really emotional #TRLT


replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @postcardsplaces A3 The film “Lost In Translation”. It was smaller in real life, but as great as I imagined it.


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A2:Not sure if this qualifies, but it was the natural element that put Angkor over the top. Unique and stunning, it's one of those places where there really aren't proper words in English to describe it. #TRLT


replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @postcardsplaces A3) Sometimes for me is has been a family connection,I wanted to visit the East Imperial Palace Gardens in Tokyo because I had seen photos of my Dad standing outside the gates while he was in the Korean War. #TRLT

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A3: I watched Finding Nemo back in 2004 and ever since then I wanted to go to Sydney 😂 #TRLT