Famous Places

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 Q1: #TheGreatWallOfChina is famous for lots and was a place that my daughter and I had to trek together! #TRLT This is my daughter when we visited when she was 8yrs old! #FamilyTravel

replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 A4: Freud’s home in London has his original couch for patients and the weirdest desk chair. #TRLT

RT @Shannon_Skinner: @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A2. Niagara Falls is inspiring #TRLT https://t.co/ljtGVwonB4

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool A5. Mt. Fuji! I want to do the overnight/sunrise hike #TRLT

replying to @coraliew @coraliew @LindaPeters64 It can be a long walk for a little girl - and for adults too! #TRLT

RT @Travel_Session: A4- On the island of 🇵🇭#Boracay there is a rock with a statue of the Virgin Mary called Wiley's Rock. I've never gotte…

replying to @Shannon_Skinner @Shannon_Skinner @LindaPeters64 Most beautiful building I've ever seen. #TRLT

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool A5. I’ve always wanted to go Egypt! #trlt

RT @coraliew: @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 Q1: #TheGreatWallOfChina is famous for lots and was a place that my daughter and I had to tre…

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A4: Kayamakli (first known from 7th century BC) underground city in Turkey. There were 7 levels below ground and a very effective ventilation system. Nobody knows where the carved stone was carried. Such a weird place. Not for claustrophobics. #TRLT

replying to @TheTravelCamel
@TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A4. Isn't talking abt unusual famous place on the road less traveled is like an oxymoron.
But I'll talk abt Mumbai which is pretty famous. Old,gothic bldgs in South Mum re 🖤 everytime u go there for a trail, you'll find something new & quirky like this 👇🏽 What do you see?

replying to @SKJtraveler
@SKJtraveler [I did research on it for a blog and podcast episode!]
The maximum withdrawal at the time was £10, or just over £150 ($195) in today's money. #trlt

RT @LiveaMemory: A1: I’ve Always Been Drawn to #Travel to See Historical Sights.👍
And a Place that Just Oozes #History is #IndependenceHall…

replying to @ChristineLozada @ChristineLozada @CharlesMcCool And look at those camels! An extra bonus. It's incredible - please visit. #TRLT

AGAIN Q5: What Famous Places in the world are on your travel wish list? via @CharlesMcCool #TRLT

replying to @TheTravelCamel
@TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool A5. Believe me when i say my wishlist is never ending. :)

#TRLT Q5 again: What Famous Places in the world are on your travel wish list? via @CharlesMcCool

RT @junkkDNA: @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A4. Isn't talking abt unusual famous place on the road less traveled is like an oxymoron.

replying to @LiveaMemory
@LiveaMemory @TheTravelCamel @INDEPENDENCENHP @Interior @NatlParkService @visitPA @myphillymedia @HeidiSiefkas @sl2016_sl That feeling when the historical significance of a place seeps into your soul.

replying to @RTWBarefoot
@RTWBarefoot @CharlesMcCool A5 Ohh…
Vietnam battlefields/tunnels
Pearl Harbour
Great Skellig
Niagara Falls
Vatican City
Jerusalem Holy Sites
Chernobyl (that’s probably off for a long time now 🙁)
New Orleans for Mardi Gras
Monaco for the GP

replying to @junkkDNA @junkkDNA @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 oh i don't know ... the Aral Sea is famous but few people get to visit it! #trlt

replying to @loyaltytravels @loyaltytravels @sl2016_sl @tranquilotravel @JeffTitelius @GWMtravels @NakMakFeegle @DoroLef @TravelSeeWrite @twofortheroadtv @Nilemajesty @InAfricaNBeyond @NothingButNE @creativitywithk @ekomatkaajat @RoadtripC Where is this airport? #TRLT

RT @ASolastie: @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A4: Kayamakli (first known from 7th century BC) underground city in Turkey. There were 7 leve…

replying to @HeidiSiefkas @HeidiSiefkas @CharlesMcCool A5) Probably Rome (Wiki photo), there's so much history there I just can't take it off of my travel wish list. #TRLT

RT @RTWBarefoot: @junkkDNA @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 oh i don't know ... the Aral Sea is famous but few people get to visit it! #trlt…

replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @junkkDNA @LindaPeters64 Not many people visit Aral Sea. #TRLT

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A2 I have always wanted to visit the Wild Atlantic Way and see it for myself its as beautiful as it seems #TRLT

A3:Same goes for San Marino. Showed my wife a pic of the fort on the internet while planning an Italy trip meant that our Italy trip included San Marino. #TRLT

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool Saudi, Guyana and Faroe Islands and Greenland #trlt

replying to @Travel_Session
A5- #Dubai is high on my list of famous places to visit. I've got a thing for places high in the sky.
photos courtesy of @DubaiWikia
#TRLT #travelingsession

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool A5. Galapagos Islands #TRLT

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @CharlesMcCool A5 I have the same answer as a few of us: Egypt. #TRLT

replying to @loyaltytravels @loyaltytravels @CharlesMcCool Saudi for me too - only Middle East country I'm yet to visit. I think it will happen soon-ish. #TRLT

RT @junkkDNA: @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A4. Isn't talking abt unusual famous place on the road less traveled is like an oxymoron.

RT @RTWBarefoot: @junkkDNA @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 oh i don't know ... the Aral Sea is famous but few people get to visit it! #trlt…

replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @CharlesMcCool A5: so many: the pyramids and Nile; Kyoto; Petra in Jordan; Wadi Rum; the Sahara...#TRLT

A5 #TRLT Famous places I'd like to visit -- as others are saying, quite a few. I'd like to return to several I have visited, as well, including @GreatSmokyNPS https://t.co/CQgkgdguqz

RT @ThroughIreland: @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A2 I have always wanted to visit the Wild Atlantic Way and see it for myself its as beau…

replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 @TheTravelCamel It really was! We hired a driver to take us to the Mutianyu Section of the wall. it was a good two hour drive out of Beijing, and we took a cable car up, hiked for hours never passing another person… and then took a metal sled back down which was so fun! #memories #TRLT

A5: Famous Places that are on my travel wish list? Exploring the wonders of Machu Picchu in Peru, learning about ancient Greece while walking the grounds of the Acropolis.
Q: via @CharlesMcCool

replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @CharlesMcCool A5: The Atlantic Road in Norway - oceanic views and a Gaudi like design #TRLT

replying to @LindaPeters64 @LindaPeters64 Although the Marionette show was a bit creepy. 😲 #TRLT

RT @coraliew: @LindaPeters64 @TheTravelCamel It really was! We hired a driver to take us to the Mutianyu Section of the wall. it was a goo…

replying to @ThroughIreland @ThroughIreland @LindaPeters64 Definitely worth the visit - a remarkable drive. #TRLT

replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 I know what you mean. It’s quirky for the south of England but a bit monotone. Not so within. #TRLT