Memorable Accommodation
Q5: Staycations (stays close to home) can be wonderfully restorative; where are memorable accommodations in your area that you have or would like to indulge in?
via @LindaPeters64
A5 We'd like to try another @LandmarkTrust property - the Gothic Temple, an 18th-century folly in the grounds of Stowe, N Bucks. More details: #TRLT @LindaPeters64
A5 Niagara Falls is close to home and a great staycation for us. Love to get a hotel with a view out over the falls. #TRLT @LindaPeters64 @heidiSiefkas
replying to @TheTravelCamel
@TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A5 One day would like to stay in this local lighthouse. Problem is, it’s terribly expensive unless you have a group of people.
replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 A5: A 2 hr drive north of us is Woodstock NY with a small motel that's been nicely renovated -- with the sounds of a rushing creek behind it. We've been a few times. #TRLT
replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 A5: We have many castles and grand homes nearby us in France. one of the many benefits of living in France :-) #TRLT
RT @CaitlinKellyNYC: @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 A5: A 2 hr drive north of us is Woodstock NY with a small motel that's been nicely renovat…
RT @HHLifestyleTrav: @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 A5: We have many castles and grand homes nearby us in France. one of the many benefits o…
RT @StripeyMiata: @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A5 One day would like to stay in this local lighthouse. Problem is, it’s terribly expensi…
replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 A5) I haven't done it since I moved to Southern Nevada but Zion National Park is less than two hours away from me and is a perfect place for a quick & easy getaway. #TRLT
RT @TravelAtWill: A5 Niagara Falls is close to home and a great staycation for us. Love to get a hotel with a view out over the falls. ht…
RT @HHLifestyleTrav: @RTWBarefoot @LindaPeters64 A5: We have many castles and grand homes nearby us in France. one of the many benefits o…
A5: For staycations to work they need to be really different to your home accommodation. The Crowne Plaza at Nairobi Airport suits this perfectly. Equal to the best airport hotel I've ever stayed in (it's equal is also a @CrownePlaza). #TRLT @CrownePlazaNA
replying to @TheTravelCamel @TheTravelCamel @LindaPeters64 A5. I wish I had one, but if I’m paying for a hotel room I’d rather do it somewhere I don’t have a free bed just down the street. I’m always tempted, though, even if just to enjoy a new view as in Aberdeen last month. #TRLT