Deserts & Dry Places


Q1: What is so appealing about Deserts or Dry Places that makes you want to visit them? Please share a photo! via @t_jh2009 #TRLT
Q2: What Desert or Dry Place destination is beckoning you to return? Inspire us with a photo! via @t_jh2009 #TRLT
Q3: Share a favourite photo of flora and fauna from a Desert or Dry Place. via @LindaPeters64 #TRLT
Q4: What type of activities do you like to do in Deserts or Dry Places? Please show us a photo! via @t_jh2009 #TRLT
Q5: What Desert or Dry Place challenged you the most during a visit? Please tell your story and share a photo! via @t_jh2009 #TRLT