#Culture Shock



Q2 via @StevenOnTheMove What is your first recollection of experiencing culture shock when traveling? #TTOT

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A2: Even though it was my question, it's tough to pick my first memory of culture shock because as a 5yo kid I was traveling with my family around Europe. So different cultures is something I've seen most of my life. #TTOT


replying to @StevenOnTheMove A2: I had culture shock when we moved back to the U.S. because I remember telling my dad at the grocery store something was too expensive and that we should barter with the clerk to get a lower price. #TTOT


Landing in Mumbai. Just astonished me. Completely. It was like walking around in a soup of sights, sounds, odours, colours, people. Fell in love and yearn to go back A2 #ttot

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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes @StevenOnTheMove A2. Not sure if it's culture shock or just lots of shocks. First trip, landed in Bangkok, a day late, bags got lost too. So we were in a new place that's completely different, everything hit me. Worst first day of a trip. #TTOT

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A2 Even being informed, it was shocking for me the 1st time to see true poverty in Mexico City many years ago. Images of ragged women with children hiding in alleys between luxurious high rises with those big begging eyes will never leave me. #TTOT


replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @StevenOnTheMove A2: not really culture shock but more like floored by jet leg… On several overseas assignments working with foreign militaries, I’ve had to roll off a 20 hour flight and get up and teach / meet generals a few hours after landing. 😵 #TTOT

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A2: First time travelling solo overseas and arriving in Seville, weird processions going on (that were great!), but I didn't speak Spanish, they didn't speak English and I felt a bit isolated for awhile, wouldn't bother me these days though #ttot


A2. It is ALWAYS shocking to encounter extreme poverty & deprevation but also a good lesson! #ttot


A2 I think Cairo Egypt was my first real culture shock - they have a clever way of selling on the local bus on route to the Pyramids - the kids drop useful items in your lap and then if you want to buy it they take the money before you get off #ttot


A2 I don't know whether I have ever been truly culture shocked but when I visited Ljubljana in Slovenia recently I was so shocked at how quiet, clean and calm it was for a capital city. Being used to mobbed London it was a huge difference but a welcomed one. #ttot


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes @StevenOnTheMove A2 I think having lived in India and watching too many movies and shows from across the world nothing shocks me any more. I just find varied cultures fascinating 😂 #ttot

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replying to @wheresshellyii @wheresshellyii @StevenOnTheMove A2. When I went to Fiji when I was 7, & a Fijian man cut a coconut off a tree, sliced the top off with his machete and then made me a drinking straw out of a nearby plant stem. Then he handed me the coconut drink. And I was totally amazed! #TTOT

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replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @StevenOnTheMove A2 Possibly when arriving in Tokyo in the rain. Everyone~like everyone, even men had see through umbrellas. Men (and teenagers) in the UK seem to prefer to get soaked #ttot