Using Technology While Traveling


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Q4 via @TravelDudes Traveling without tech. Does this sound like a relief or like a nightmare to you? #TTOT


replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @TravelDudes A4-Travelling without tech isn't a nightmare but travelling without your phone might be. You only have to find a balance between the necessary usage and addiction. Once we absorb that technology is a luxury, not a necessity, it is easier to minimize the distractions. #TTOT

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A4 honestly? A bit of both. I like my tech and use/rely on it a lot. But if it was taken away from me I think it’d be a great break.

My other half using his phone waaaay too much, so I’d like us to take a digital detox holiday.

Still would want my kindle though lol! #ttot


replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @TravelDudes A4. I spend significantly less time connected when I travel. I prefer to just enjoy where I am and let the rest of the world pass me by. That being said, I traveled before we had easy access to online maps. They really do make exploring much easier. #ttot


A4. I can remember an age when all I had was a camera and a guidebook. And you had to actually talk to people at hostels and cafes 😉.
But now. well I try to keep it to a minimum but I’m certainly not off tech completely when I travel. #ttot

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A4 Its a relief to travel without tech, no stressing about theft, charging and data signal. | @TandaTula Field Camp - watching elephants in South Africa #ttot

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A4. A relief! On the way to Everest Base Camp back in 2012, Internet access was few and far between ... so we like talked to each other! As soon as a hut had good wi-fi everyone stared gormlessly into their smartphones instead which was pretty sad 😥 #ttot https://t.co/SZYBTB2ML9


RT @aardvarksafaris: A4 Its a relief to travel without tech, no stressing about theft, charging and data signal. | @TandaTula Field Camp -…


RT @aardvarksafaris: A4 Its a relief to travel without tech, no stressing about theft, charging and data signal. | @TandaTula Field Camp -…


RT @LadiesWTravel: A4 honestly? A bit of both. I like my tech and use/rely on it a lot. But if it was taken away from me I think it’d be a…


A4: Nightmare, I need my camera to capture all the interesting things I see. Happy to forego phone calls/texts though! #ttot


A4 For me it’s usually a relief and a great pleasure. Some people discover it’s possible to use one’s creativity & resourcefulness to survive most travel challenges The real nightmare is travelling around Eu-rope with a non-EU phone account which incurs high roaming charges #TTOT


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes A4. Definitely a relief. But it depends on why people are travelling. I like to meet people. Both locals and fellow-travellers. And tech just stops this from happening for me. #TTOT


A4 Great question. At times it would feel like a relief - being able to fully immerse yourself in a place/experience. However, I do like to record my travels to enjoy later. When I go to Tibet there will definitely be times when I switch off the tech entirely #TTOT