Using Technology While Traveling



Q5 via @StevenOnTheMove What is one way you limit your use of technology while traveling so you can enjoy the moment? #TTOT


replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @StevenOnTheMove A5. It is easy to spend your entire trip behind a camera lens. I force myself to put it down by reminding myself to make sure that I spend at least as much time not taking photos as I do behind the lens. Go home with memories of a place and not just photos of it. #ttot

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replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @StevenOnTheMove A5-The most effective way is to set your own rules and follow them. I restrict myself at using tech. In the daytime, I enjoy outside, keep busy & immerse myself in the destination. By night I use it to connect with my friends/family back home. #TTOT #Travel

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A5 I just tell myself…. NO. And there’s no arguments #TTOT Image @pixabay


A5. Don’t get a SIM card&turn off roaming.Check your stuff online each morning/evening at your hotel- the rest of the time-be present in your surroundings. Enjoy the things you came on vacation to see.Relax and get lost a little (take a card from your hotel to show a taxi) #ttot


replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @pixabay A5. Those internal conversations with yourself are a huge part of it. I do the same thing. It is rare that I reach for my phone too often on a trip but the stern mental reminder to put it down works for me as well whenever I do. #ttot

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A5 When you are on safari - only have your phone for emergencies. Put your camera down and watch with your own eyes. For gorilla trekking we recommend one permit to just 'be in the moment' and a 2nd permit to take your pictures #ttot
Gorilla silverback @Singita_ Kwitonda Rwanda


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes @StevenOnTheMove A5. Not buying a local SIM, thus making it more expensive to use your own, removes the temptation to spend too much time looking at your phone. #TTOT


A5 Bravo, @RsterAM I think they call the SELF DISCIPLINE 🤓 #ttot https://t.co/gwC9oMaEBm


RT @aardvarksafaris: A5 When you are on safari - only have your phone for emergencies. Put your camera down and watch with your own eyes. F…


replying to @travelhouseuk @travelhouseuk @StevenOnTheMove A5 Yes, self rules are truly rules & you can't cheat yourself by breaking them. Yours is a good plan @travelhouseuk #ttot


A5 Yes, we should all find a balance that suits us. I just realised looking for photos on a recent fundraising trip to Scotland that, in fact, although I was sure I took a certain photo, it was actually an imprint on my memory. Sorry @ataxiascot 🤓#ttot https://t.co/Bs9JszuwO8


A5 It's taken many years to get to this point, but I now simply tell myself to put the camera down, ignore the news and just be in the moment. Either that or forget to recharge batteries! #TTOT