Best Offbeat Adventures


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Q3) via @TheExploringEye What is that one adventure you fear to try but hope to do it someday and where? #TTOT


A3: I really hope to do Mount Everest Base Camp one day! I need to train and get more vacation days. I have never trekked for 12 days, but I'm pretty sure the adventure is worth it! #TTOT

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A3 in response to @TheExploringEye: we're all agreed in the office that a skydive is the experience we fear but would love to try one day. This 'drop zone' between the #Mediterranean and the #Pyrenees looks amazing (as well as totally scary!) #ttot @SkydiveEmpuria


A3 Fearful adventure yet compelling cable car to Dursey Island from #WestCork. Looks terrifying but exhilarating. Suspended in air over some of the wildest cliffs & Atlantic waters @wildatlanticway @Failte_Ireland @CorkBilly Video https://t.co/HkzUF09GDy #TTOT @Wikimedia

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replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @theexploringeye A3-That's on the tip of my tongue. It is my deepest desire to trek to the top of the world's highest peak Mount Everest. There's the risk of frostbite, low oxygen, high winds and slipping or falling but I'm sure it would be worth it if I could ever make it. #Travel #TTOT


A3: I've always wanted to swim with whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef, but as much as I love the ocean, I have a deathly fear of water I can't see the bottom of haha. One day! #ttot


A3 Scuba diving in the Four Great Lakes of Africa - is my extreme adventure.
Kaya Mawa's bedroom on the shores of Lake Malawi, famed for cichlid species of fresh water fish. #ttot @green_safaris


A3 What a beautiful sky "ballet"! And yes, it does look TOTALLY SCARY!
@madridandbeyond #TTOT https://t.co/TxKty8DJoA


replying to @travelhouseuk @travelhouseuk @theexploringeye A3 Everest: That's certainly a very extraordinary feat for someone who want to do it. Not without some dangers like you mention & also recent over-crowding. All the best with your dream. #TTOT