Eco-Friendly #Travel



Q5 via @33AndFree Do you say no to meals on airplanes? What do you do to replace those meals to make it more eco friendly? #TTOT


A5: mostly I try to get food packed from restaurants at Airport but for long haul flights still rely on airplane meals :(



A5 I do not as I did not realise that they weren't eco-friendly - I'm guessing it's to do with the use of non-recyclable plastic? Now that I do know (thanks #TTOT!) I will certainly reconsider/ask airlines what they are doing to improve the situation @33AndFree


A5- Packing your own lunch allows you to eat your favourite meal onboard while remaining environmentally conscious. You may pack sandwiches, nuts, or even better eat before you fly. šŸ˜Ž


A5 I'm going to try something new - bringing my own meals on board - something like the best homemade macaroni and cheese that is microwavable but also good cold and a second portion for one for the pilots. #ttot


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes @33andfree A5: I pack my own meals frequently because Iā€™m allergic to nuts. I try to use reusable zippered bags vs ziplock bags or even rewash ziplock bags. #TTOT


A5. I won't say no to meals on a plane, if it is already included in the price of the air ticket. I don't mind packing my own meals up the plane, if the airlines allow.


A5 I've heard of GORP, @KeithSpiro but I was not sure what is was. I eat raisins & peanuts (dried) all the time. Perfect for a flight & certainly far superior to what is available to purchase onboard. #TTOT https://t.co/qjk0IpVewI