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Q1 via @TravelDudes: Share your current Covid19 status/conditions! Include the country you are in. #TTOT

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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes A1: South Africa, 21 day lockdown has been enforced effective Friday. Only essential services will be permitted to leave their homes. People have started panic buying. 😰 #TTOT

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A1: We have around 25,000 infected people in Germany, but that's only the official numbers, as many are not getting tested. #TTOT

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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes A1. Currently grounded in the UK thanks to the stupid border closures, but otherwise comfortable and safe in my office! #TTOT


A1: Currently isolated with my son. No symptoms present. My area is just starting to see confirmed cases but the confined cases are breaking self isolation and visiting supermarkets, so I presume it'll be much worse soon.

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A1: Here in WA we're currently on stage 1, although restrictions are technically stage 2. Today we closed our land, air & sea borders (pic). 175 cases but little, if any, community-based transmission. All overseas people returning, so I guess we're in an ok position so far #ttot

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A1: Only the necessary shops are allowed to continue with business, like supermarkets, pharmacies etc. In most regions people are also still allowed to go to work. Many work from home. #TTOT


A1 Thanks @MrGads2 It's good that you're spreading the message not to panic buy! It's non productive. Stay well. #ttot https://t.co/QHBEr4wOlr

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A1. Current status is working from home, which is also my home office in Singapore. Photography business is severely affected, travel plans all gone.

SG has imposed a number of strict travel advisories.



RT @TravelDudes: A1: We have around 25,000 infected people in Germany, but that's only the official numbers, as many are not getting tested…


RT @wheresshellyii: A1: Here in WA we're currently on stage 1, although restrictions are technically stage 2. Today we closed our land, air…

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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes A1: We are in Florence, Italy under a total nationwide lockdown (it's been a little over two weeks now), leaving ONLY for essentials. We are fine but Italy has unfortunately been very badly hit with the #coronavirus. #TTOT

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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes A1 A lot of people are panicking in the UK that we are on full quarantine, we are not. We have self isolation. Bigger problems are down to media scaremongering and mass public confusion. #TTOT

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A1 Thanks, @aTravelCompanio It's great that people are responding well. #UK #ttot https://t.co/LZodDBFqQU


A1: UK, we are now pretty much in lockdown. We are only allowed to go out for essentials like food and medicine and we are allowed to go out once a day for some sort of exercise #ttot


RT @weather2travel: A1: UK, we are now pretty much in lockdown. We are only allowed to go out for essentials like food and medicine and we…


A1 Thanks @tangenghui Are there any official lockdowns or is it voluntary in Singapore? What are some of the travel advisories? #ttot https://t.co/UsbMlI7JkR


replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife @TravelDudes A1 #TTOT - I'm a bit late to the chat, but we're in the #FrenchPyrenees where we're on a tight lockdown and only allowed to go for max 1h walk once a day within 1km of home. Missing mountain time, as you can imagine!

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A1 We sadly see the troubled times in Italy. Thanks for your comments from Florence. @girlinflorence #StayhomeStaySafe #ttot https://t.co/BQZwNOFuUx


A1 Thanks for this clarification, Michael. I see a lot of tweets with different perceptions of what was announced by the PM. We know that you have the actual info "self-isolating" #UK #ttot https://t.co/bGCsiGyqNR


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes A1: in Germany now, I finally see people complying with social distancing and closure requests. My big adventures are my morning run and 1x a week grocery trip 🇩🇪 #TTOT


RT @SonjaSwissLife: A1 Thanks, @aTravelCompanio It's great that people are responding well. #UK #ttot https://t.co/LZodDBFqQU


replying to @MrGads2 @MrGads2 @TravelDudes A1 In my little rural Portuguese town, the first outage (not toilet paper) was disinfectant. Interesting cultural differences throughout the world. #ttot

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A1: I’m I Victoria in Australia, states are closing their borders. We’re at stage 1, no pubs, not dine in Resturant or cafes, nor schools open, no sport, still allowed out of the house. I’ve been working from home for a week and a half. #ttot https://t.co/tmaYjZrxYg

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A1 So glad to hear that you're safe and adhering to a tight lockdown, @AdventureCrtrs. This will help get you back up to the mountains sooner. I've hiked there while staying a few months in Irissarry nr St. Jean Pied de Port The #Pryrenees are magnificent.#ttot https://t.co/SvmX009Fjr

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A1 In Ireland the majority of things are closed, 1000+ infected but tests just begun so the numbers are expected to skyrocket (and they started, yesterday) (no, people don't understand social distancing, unfortunately) #TTOT

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replying to @wheresshellyii @wheresshellyii @TravelDudes A1: France. Full lockdown (day 8 officially, but day 12 for us because we are symptomatic - but not badly). All shops non essential are closed, you must produce ID & a form to leave your house for essentials. We have our garden and food, we are ok. #TTOT


A1 I'm sure you will be a community leader and encourage self-isolation in Bradford UK @StuartMHurlbut. I'm happy it's mandatory where I am in Portugal. So much calmer & controlled as much as possible. #ttot https://t.co/ucqI7rEOQs


RT @digitalGeek_au: A1: I’m I Victoria in Australia, states are closing their borders. We’re at stage 1, no pubs, not dine in Resturant or…


A1 I agree @girlinflorence It's difficult to get some feel of the reality without the peoples' voices. Thanks so much for sharing yours in #Italy #StayomeStaySafe @girlinflorence #TTOT https://t.co/DmMELsTUXQ


RT @girlinflorence: @TravelDudes A1: We are in Florence, Italy under a total nationwide lockdown (it's been a little over two weeks now), l…


RT @SonjaSwissLife: A1 We sadly see the troubled times in Italy. Thanks for your comments from Florence. @girlinflorence #StayhomeStaySafe…