#Travel Blunders



Q3 via @worryingnomad:

What travel blunders have you made regarding time? It could be time zones, time difference or timetable blunders amongst others. #TTOT

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A3: I booked flights to Bali on the phone & didn't get the confirmation right away. Later I didn't check good enough.

When I wanted to print out the tickets 2 days before departure, I realized that the flight was gone 4 hours earlier.
I still haven't been to Bali so far.

#TTOT https://t.co/2AHgX9W6OZ

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A3 While talking to an old friend at Geneva train station, I boarded my Lausanne train at the right quay. It started moving 8 min. early & I KNEW THEN I was on the wrong train. It was for Yverdon (north) I had a rendez-vous at Lausanne (east). I was 3 hours late #ttot @pixabay

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A3 Always timetables. Missed a local work flight because I lined up at the wrong gate in the wrong terminal- only found out when my ticket was scanned at the gate. Missed a train in Poland because I had the wrong departure time in my head. #ttot


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes A3 That is a great loss with a blunder. I've been close (not to Bali, however) but just not paying attention to long haul travel plans. Sorry about yours, Melvin. 🌴#TTOT


replying to @lingointransit @lingointransit A3 So easy to do. Sometimes it's really not your fault - sometimes there's NO signage at the airport nor human beings to ask. #TTOT


A3: Flying Paris to HK & decided to get taxi to the airport only to get stuck almost straight away in a traffic jam. Missed checkin by 5 mins but luckily airline got me on a flight out of London for free, just had to get there, lol. Sometime public transport is better! #ttot


A4 The timetable blunders from A3. Yes, fixed (because I had to) and lessons learnt. #ttot