December Holidays



Q2 via @StevenOnTheMove: What are your favorite December holiday traditions? #TTOT

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A2: Growing up in a Christian household, I always enjoyed and appreciated attending a late night church service that ended with a candlelight vigil that concluded at midnight going from Christmas Eve into Christmas Day. #TTOT

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A2 Yes, I have good memories of that also from childhood onward when with my family. The candle light service. Not at midnight but once I went to mass with Parisian friends at midnight for their candle lights. #TTOT https://t.co/AEehObCmNA


RT @StevenOnTheMove: A2: Growing up in a Christian household, I always enjoyed and appreciated attending a late night church service that e…

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A2: In Germany we start to celebrate Christmas on the 24th in the evening with presents for the kids & a lot of families with a festive & delicious meal. YUMMY! 😋

Then this is followed by 2 more days with visiting family and more good food. 🙂 #TTOT https://t.co/XyP9NTqM1C


A2. I don’t really have any December holiday traditions. I just go for Christmas dinner gatherings at my friends’ homes when they invite me! Eat, drink and be merry!


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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes @StevenOnTheMove A2: Eating. I grew up in a secular household, so Christmas was all about the food. We were poor, so presents were never really the focus, but we always got the fancy food for xmas and inviting friends round for an 'orphans christmas' meal. #TTOT


RT @TravelDudes: A2: In Germany we start to celebrate Christmas on the 24th in the evening with presents for the kids & a lot of families w…

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A2 No traditions as we are not religious but we put up lights and the tree. Eating the same cold cut ham for days and having the cricket on because it's the most exciting thing on free to air tv #TTOT


RT @lingointransit: A2 No traditions as we are not religious but we put up lights and the tree. Eating the same cold cut ham for days and h…


A2: Don't really have any. Christmas isn't a positive thing for me due to personal reasons. I only really celebrate it because of my son. #ttot


A2: Christmas and New Year for me is being at my friends house and spending it with them - days filled with food alcohol, video games, Monopoly and even some cheeky chocolate treats! #ttot

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A2 It's still a tradition even with the cricket. I remember family Christmas dinners followed by hours of US Football. #TTOT https://t.co/Urnpya05Ha

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A2. Relax, clean up my stuff and sell things I don't need/ use anymore, and of course paint Minis as I'm at home 😁 #minipainting #Warmongers

#TTOT https://t.co/gMGnPUSzYQ


RT @hendrikmorkel: A2. Relax, clean up my stuff and sell things I don't need/ use anymore, and of course paint Minis as I'm at home 😁 #mini…