December Holidays



Q1 via @PureTraveller: Do you prefer to stay at home for December holidays, or use the vacation time to get away? #TTOT


Q1 via @PureTraveller : Do you prefer to stay at home for December holidays, or use the vacation time to get away? #TTOT

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Q1 via @PureTraveller:
Do you prefer to stay at home for December holidays, or use the vacation time to get away? #TTOT


Get Lost Within the Lush Climes of #Pandora this #TravelTuesday as @CNNTravel Take a Closer Look at the #Zhangjiajie National #Forest Park, Which Served as the #Inspiration for "Avatar" and is Home to the #World's Tallest #Outdoor Elevator
#China #TTOT

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A1: Traveling during the December holidays depends upon a lot of things. I've stayed home during them (like last year) and I've traveled to see new places (like 2018 and 2004). I've also traveled to see family (most years). #TTOT

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A1: In the last couple of years we stayed at home and celebrated Christmas with the family. But I wouldn't mind to also head far away into the snow or a summer destination. #TTOT https://t.co/ZgRJsH52ke


RT @SonjaSwissLife: #TTOT starting NOW DECEMBER HOLIDAYS 🎅 https://t.co/FK3KRwd4hx


RT @StevenOnTheMove: A1: Traveling during the December holidays depends upon a lot of things. I've stayed home during them (like last year)…


RT @TravelDudes: A1: In the last couple of years we stayed at home and celebrated Christmas with the family. But I wouldn't mind to also he…

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A1 Same here. Spent years going to the US at Christmas for my family but I mix it up now. Tourism is a busy business (usually) so oftentimes I was working esp. when I lived in Hawaii #TTOT https://t.co/ij8vtrBdEY

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A1. I don't really plan for December holidays due to increased prices in airfares and accommodation (peak holiday surcharge), it can be crowded as well. Therefore, I don't mind staying at home during December holidays.

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A1: Once we were in Sydney over Christmas and we expected to celebrate it at the beach. But it was so cold (in their summer), that it was even snowing in Tasmania.
We headed into the Blue Mountains & celebrated it inside, pretty much like home in Europe. #TTOT


A1 Good plan. Sometimes we just get chilled to the bone & need some sun & warmth. Thus, the popularity of the tropical destinations. But it's top of the most expensive times of course. #TTOT https://t.co/9Ijl2qcJx2

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replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife As someone who primarily works as an educator (and is married to one), the December break is often the first chance to see family farther away, too. #TTOT


RT @SonjaSwissLife: A1 Same here. Spent years going to the US at Christmas for my family but I mix it up now. Tourism is a busy business (u…


A1. I usually stay at home, as I travel so much every other month of the year. But if there's a chance for a small skiing trip or so, I would take it =)

#TTOT https://t.co/LN0rkps3ko


RT @TravelDudes: A1: Once we were in Sydney over Christmas and we expected to celebrate it at the beach. But it was so cold (in their summe…

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replying to @tangenghui @tangenghui If you book in advance the flight tickets should be low. But as there is a higher demand, the cheaper tickets are gone earlier as usual. So you need to quick further in advance than normal. But accommodations charge more, no matter when you book. #ttot


Q2 via @StevenOnTheMove: What are your favorite December holiday traditions? #TTOT


Q2 via @StevenOnTheMove : What are your favorite December holiday traditions? #TTOT


A1 Oh I get it. I was a lecturer for more than a decade & that was the xmas time I had to visit family in the US - most expensive & worst weather. #TTOT https://t.co/bJbZhmKIiB

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Q2 via @StevenOnTheMove:
What are your favorite December holiday traditions? #TTOT


A1 What a disappointment that must have been at first but there's such great natural beauty to explore. I'm glad you got to do that. #TTOT https://t.co/ORYIpqkQWm

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replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife I don't really care that much about Christmas, but I enjoy the family time.
I don't get along with the grey, wet & cold weather. If it's a winter destination with snow or a warm summer destination, that would be much nicer. and best with family then. :-) #ttot


replying to @StevenOnTheMove @StevenOnTheMove Where did you you go 2018 and 2004? #ttot


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes Agree! I have to book 6 months or more in advance for airfares! Oh yes, accommodations charge more, no matter when we book during year end festive period!



replying to @tangenghui @tangenghui A1 When I'm free to travel when I want, it would NEVER be on December Holidays. When you have choices - it's great freedom but it's not always like that with family. #TTOT

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A2: Growing up in a Christian household, I always enjoyed and appreciated attending a late night church service that ended with a candlelight vigil that concluded at midnight going from Christmas Eve into Christmas Day. #TTOT


2 Day Trip in Norfolk County, Ontario: 12 Places To Eat, Stay and Play #travellingfoodie #ttot https://t.co/xAWY72L9kw

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In 2004, my mom & I traveled to @visitsandiego, which our first visit to the city (and my first trip to @VisitCA). In 2018, my mom visited my wife & I at our new home in Japan, so we traveled to Hiroshima and Kyoto along with some overnight trips within Tokyo. #TTOT https://t.co/RDCzgJAQvO

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replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife Agree! For families with children, they have their school holidays period and have to abide by them, making family travel a bit inflexible!


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A1 I use to prefer working during December and take minimal days off. No traffic on the roads, aircon in the office and doing all the forgotten admin. This yr, looking forward to doing nothing at home #TTOT


RT @tangenghui: @SonjaSwissLife Agree! For families with children, they have their school holidays period and have to abide by them, making…

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A2 Yes, I have good memories of that also from childhood onward when with my family. The candle light service. Not at midnight but once I went to mass with Parisian friends at midnight for their candle lights. #TTOT https://t.co/AEehObCmNA


Solo Hike in Khao Ngon Nak Krabi, #Thailand (Dragon Crest) #ttot https://t.co/UYwLfe3Gl5 #khaongonnak #krabi


RT @lingointransit: A1 I use to prefer working during December and take minimal days off. No traffic on the roads, aircon in the office and…


RT @StevenOnTheMove: A2: Growing up in a Christian household, I always enjoyed and appreciated attending a late night church service that e…

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A2: In Germany we start to celebrate Christmas on the 24th in the evening with presents for the kids & a lot of families with a festive & delicious meal. YUMMY! 😋

Then this is followed by 2 more days with visiting family and more good food. 🙂 #TTOT https://t.co/XyP9NTqM1C


I had the same school schedule as a lecturer so it was constricting esp. for long distance travel where my family is. #TTOT https://t.co/ZETPj1JO46


A2. I don’t really have any December holiday traditions. I just go for Christmas dinner gatherings at my friends’ homes when they invite me! Eat, drink and be merry!


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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes @StevenOnTheMove A2: Eating. I grew up in a secular household, so Christmas was all about the food. We were poor, so presents were never really the focus, but we always got the fancy food for xmas and inviting friends round for an 'orphans christmas' meal. #TTOT

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replying to @StevenOnTheMove @StevenOnTheMove @visitsandiego @VisitCA Southern California. that sounds like a nice trip for December. :-)
Also nice if you traveled together with your mom through Japan. #ttot


replying to @lingointransit @lingointransit The most quiet time to head into your office as most people might take a 2-3 weeks break during the Christmas to New Year period!



RT @TravelDudes: A2: In Germany we start to celebrate Christmas on the 24th in the evening with presents for the kids & a lot of families w…

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replying to @SonjaSwissLife @SonjaSwissLife I bet that was a beautiful event in Paris. #TTOT


replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes I agree with the family time without all the complicated arrangements of travel. If it's simple and a warm destination I would be open for that based on the cost also. #TTOT

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A2 No traditions as we are not religious but we put up lights and the tree. Eating the same cold cut ham for days and having the cricket on because it's the most exciting thing on free to air tv #TTOT

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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes @PureTraveller A1: Until Covid, I used ANY excuse to get away. When I worked 9-5 in an office, I would always put in for the time off (because you'd only use up a few annual leave days in between), and try to go somewhere new. Now I work for myself, I can go away anytime ;-) #TTOT

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replying to @TravelDudes @TravelDudes Both trips were really nice. It was especially nice exploring Japan with my wife and mom, as we all got to see some new sights for the first time together. #TTOT


replying to @lingointransit @lingointransit No traffic? Here it's the opposite. The November and the December it seems that everyone is on the road, going to work or to go shopping (usually). So I always recommend people to travel in November and then far away into the sun. #ttot