
#Travel Dreaming


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A6: Our travel advisors are an integral part of our AmaFamily. They can help you navigate these current times by helping to reschedule your vacation plans, rebook hotel rooms, ensure you’ll be enjoying the best trip possible, and much more. #TWChats


A4 Travel Dreaming about summer camping in the Alaskan wilderness #twchats #thisisskagway


A5: We look forward to welcoming travelers when the time is right. We continue to share inspiration with the travel community using the hashtag #SeenInSuzhou. #TWChats


A7: Unwind by letting go. Don't overschedule! Plan time to rest, or sit and take in the scenery. A long hike or walk is immersive and practicing mindfulness along the way (notice the trail grade, study the plants, listen to the sounds) can help you stay in the moment. #TWChats


A1: I'd rather be in Tahiti!
#TWchats via

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A7: Best way to unwind during vacay is taking a long bubble bath. Bonus points if you have a good book + glass of wine too! (Pictured: a dream bathtub situation at @Amanresorts Camp Sarika at Amangiri in Utah) #TWchats


A7: There are plenty of great ways to relax during your stay in Alaska. Unwind with a trip to the spa, expand your mind with a visit to a museum or cultural center, or simply explore a nearby trail. The options are endless, explore more here: https://t.co/mJBzO6iYbR. #TWchats


A7: @twrtobin, a #cruise makes it easy to focus on #wellness while traveling the world thanks to the amazing spa and fitness facilities on board. Whether you want to get your heart pumping in a class or get a pampering treatment, it's all at your fingertips. #TWchats #HALstrong

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A5. For travel inspiration, always check with the local visitor centers. They've got the skinny on what's hot in their neighborhoods! Bet you've never seen anything like the Skagway Visitor Center! #twchats #thisisskagway


A7: Is it odd that I find shopping to be an excellent way to de-stress?! Trust me, I can find a shopportunity ANYWHERE! For me, retail = relaxation! #TWChats

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If you book a spa treatment, leave extra time for the pre- and post- chillaxing. Drink the juices, admire the view, get your heart rate down. This is @CanyonRanch on @cunardline but any place is good! #TWChats


A7: When we think well-being we think about @CarillonHotel’s integrative approach to wellness & medicine. Until we can visit #Miami again, we’re enjoying their complimentary phone healing consultations in partnership with @NuLifeInstitute: https://t.co/dWSZecQafm #TWchats


A7: Whenever I’m on a Royal Caribbean ship my favorite way to unwind is by picking up a great book and lounging on the pool deck! #TWchats via @twrtobin

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A7 I've been staying at @Hilton properties that offer Five Feet to Fitness rooms (https://t.co/ruCeA8BhVp) or offer yoga/meditation classes. I also use the app @headspace which I love #twchats #WeAreHilton


replying to @TWtravelnews @TWtravelnews @TWrtobin A7: We love unwinding in some of our hotel members' luxury spas while on vacation. There is nothing better than relaxing in a Jacuzzi, experiencing a rejuvenating massage, and enjoying a revitalizing steam and sauna session. @TheAlpinaGstaad #ThePreferredLife #TWchats


A6. Travel advisors know what clients don't know they don't know. Got five minutes? Listen to my interview on When You're Ready to Travel.

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A7: We like to unwind with a drink and a killer view! #TWchats https://t.co/zj4ItIYWhw

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My wife and I had a tremendous couples massage at the Four Seasons Bora Bora in February. The spa sits over the top of a lagoon and they've created glass panels so you can get your massage and see the fish darting about. Crazy! A7 #TWchats @FSBoraBora


A7: When in Nanjing, we recommend doing as the monks do...meditate and take in nature! #GoToNanjing #TWchats