
Hiking to Heal


Q1: How has hiking/camping/backpacking healed you mentally or emotionally? #GearMeOut
Q2: Where do you find your motivation or inspiration for getting outdoors? #GearMeOut
Q3: Did outdoor activities ever help get you through a difficult time in life? #GearMeOut
Q4: How do you incorporate the healing power of the outdoors in your every day to day life? #GearMeOut
Q5: How has the outdoors been a source of growth in your life? #GearMeOut
Q6: Though hiking partners can sometimes get on your nerves, can outdoor adventures heal strained relationships? #GearMeOut
Q7: Have you ever used hiking or any outdoor activity as therapy for a physical injury? #GearMeOut
Q8: Do you think bringing technology such as phones/fitness trackers on the trails distracts from enjoying nature? #GearMeOut
Q9: Do you have a particular place you go when you just need to escape for a quick dose of nature? Photos please! #GearMeOut
Q10: Do you have a way of keeping that outdoor feeling when you can’t get out? #GearMeOut