
Take Only Memories


Q1: Are there any parks or natural areas you frequent that are doing an excellent job teaching and leading in practicing “Leave No Trace?” #GearMeOut
Q2: Do you know the 7 Leave No Trace principles? #gearmeout
Q3: What places have you visited that are recovering from past mistakes of overuse and bad outdoor behavior? #GearMeOut
Q4: What are some easy things you can do to ensure you “Leave No Trace” on your outdoor adventures? #GearMeOut
Q5: How do you compromise between a kid’s desire for a nature collection and leave no trace? #GearMeOut
Q6: What is the hardest principle for you to follow? Why? #gearmeout
Q7: How do you carry out your trash and “gross” items? #gearmeout
Q8: Invasive species are a threat to our natural areas. What are some tips to stop the spread of invasive species? #gearmeout
Q9: What gear do you carry to help you leave no trace? #GearMeOut
Q10: How can we help someone see value in practicing LNT when they just don't get it? #gearmeout