Gearing up for Spring
Q1: How do you know when it is time to change out your gear? Do you have a set day or does it depend on the current weather? #GearMeOut
Q2: Do you replace gear when it breaks, or do you upgrade when something better comes on the market? #GearMeOut
Q3: Some gear never goes out of season, do you have a strategy/schedule for maintaining gear that gets used all year long? #GearMeOut
Q4: When making the decision on buying something new, do you follow the advice of friends, magazines, or youtube reviews? #GearMeOut
Q5: Are you getting ready to put winter gear to bed? What steps do you take before storage? #GearMeOut
Q6: Have you had a piece of gear malfunction because you failed to maintain it? #GearMeOut
Q7: What is your biggest gear maintenance challenge? #GearMeOut
Q8: Give us you best tips for keeping gear organized, accessible, and ready for your next adventure. #GearMeOut
Q9: What piece of gear are you most excited to bring out of storage? #GearMeOut
Q10: New season, new excuse for new gear! Anything special in mind? #GearMeOut
Q2: Do you replace gear when it breaks, or do you upgrade when something better comes on the market? #GearMeOut
Q3: Some gear never goes out of season, do you have a strategy/schedule for maintaining gear that gets used all year long? #GearMeOut
Q4: When making the decision on buying something new, do you follow the advice of friends, magazines, or youtube reviews? #GearMeOut
Q5: Are you getting ready to put winter gear to bed? What steps do you take before storage? #GearMeOut
Q6: Have you had a piece of gear malfunction because you failed to maintain it? #GearMeOut
Q7: What is your biggest gear maintenance challenge? #GearMeOut
Q8: Give us you best tips for keeping gear organized, accessible, and ready for your next adventure. #GearMeOut
Q9: What piece of gear are you most excited to bring out of storage? #GearMeOut
Q10: New season, new excuse for new gear! Anything special in mind? #GearMeOut